How To Pack Your Bags For Birth

How To Pack Your Bags For Birth

“What do I need to pack in my birth bags?!” Expectant parents have so many things on their mind– changes happening in the body and mind, the birth plan, when to stop working, the nursery, and so on. In the midst of all of this preparation and...
6 Ways to Honor the Identify Shift of Becoming a Parent

6 Ways to Honor the Identify Shift of Becoming a Parent

The journey of becoming a parent is a massive one. We don’t say this to scare you, but, instead, to support you in honoring and normalizing the bigness of this transition. We all come to parenting in different ways, but one thing that I have observed to be true for...
5 Ideas for Finding Joy and Lightness During Postpartum

5 Ideas for Finding Joy and Lightness During Postpartum

For many folks, the immediate postpartum period can feel very repetitive. Change diaper. Feed. Nap. Repeat. And repeat. And So on. This is normal, and we can totally understand how it can be draining for day after day to look and/or feel quite similar.  There’s a ton...
How to Best Prepare for the Birth of a New Sibling

How to Best Prepare for the Birth of a New Sibling

If you’re preparing to bring a new sibling into the family, an important part of your postpartum planning will be centered on the older children’s needs. Furthermore, your adjustment home with the new baby will involve navigating a range of different needs and...