Top 10 Reasons to Hire A Postpartum Doula!


by Allison



The time when baby is first brought home is a time of adjustment for the family.  Whether it’s the first baby or not, it is a time of getting to know each other. Often it can also be a time of feeling overwhelmed and unsure of what to do or how to do it. A Postpartum Doula can help you and your family through this time.

Postpartum Doulas are well trained in breastfeeding support as well as bottle feeding a baby. They can help parents learn about bathing and diapering. They are knowledgeable about ways to soothe a fussy baby. They can help new parents learn to recognize what is “normal” and what is cause for worry.

Postpartum Doulas offer very practical support in the home. Most are happy to help out with household tasks and light housekeeping such as washing the dishes left from dinner or catching up on baby’s laundry. They are happy to snuggle baby while mom gets a shower or takes a nap.  The Doula may accompany mom on outings such as to doctors’ offices, etc. All Doulas help with the preparation of meals while she is in the home.  Some Postpartum Doulas will even run small errands for the family such as to the grocery store or pharmacy. Postpartum Doulas also serve as an information resource for families. Many doulas have a library of parenting related books that they are willing to lend. Doulas keep up to date on what community resources are available to families.

Postpartum Doulas understand how important emotional support is at this time of transition in a family. A Doula will often spend time with mom just listening…to her story of how this child became a part of the family, to how she is feeling about the responsibilities of being a mom, to her fears about the changes and adjustments in the family.  They help make sure that mom is taking care of herself, getting enough sleep, eating well, finding time to shower, etc.  The Postpartum Doula is there to help support mom and dad in becoming the parents they want to be. She can answer questions about parenting based on her experience and knowledge but understands how important it is to support the parents’ choices. The Doula does not take over the care of the baby. She guides and teaches by modelling newborn care. The goal of a Postpartum Doula is to leave a family feeling confident in their ability to take care of their baby when her job is over.

Here are the top 10 reasons to hire a Postpartum Doula:

1. Sleep. 
You’re exhausted. You thought you’d have more energy. But we know that you just need a few extra hours of sleep. Our night-time postpartum doulas can help you get some more Zzzzz’s!

2. Emotional support
Your hormones are still on the mend. ABG doulas know how to help you handle them better.

3. Expert knowledge 
Being experts in the area puts ABG postpartum doulas in the perfect position to guide you through the process – infant safety, newborn care, infant sleep, breastfeeding, and more!

4. Lower risk of postpartum depression
When you have professionals around, warning signs and symptoms are identified quickly. Simply having the help can often head off the baby blues.

5. Helps family members adjust
Being in your home allows the ABG doulas to see how everyone is getting used to the new family dynamic and offer suggestions for easing everyone into new roles.

6. Someone to take care of YOU!
Family members who want to help sometimes live far away and are unable to help you themselves. And new moms can get overwhelmed taking care of everything – the baby, the household, the new daddy. ABG postpartum doulas come in and nurture you – so you can get energized and ready for your new role.

7. Practical help
Sometimes looking up from the couch or the bed and seeing the house in disarray can really stress out a new mom. ABG postpartum doulas often offer a little help around the house, can toss a load of baby laundry into the washer, or even fix you a meal.   We’ll look after and cuddle with your baby while you take an uninterrupted shower… or maybe even a nap!

8. We know babies. 
Our trained professionals know what to expect with newborns and even what to do when the unexpected sometimes arises. From baby-soothing techniques to helping you develop a fabulous mother-baby bond – we’ll share our tips and techniques.

9. New Moms gain confidence. 
Having someone there beside you that can walk you through probably the most vulnerable time of your life. We can help you overcome frustration and anxiety, helping you gain the confidence you need for the road ahead.

10. Referrals and resources.
So many things are new when you become a first-time parent. The Austin Baby Guru is well-connected in the community. We bring so many referrals and resources you may not even know exist! This will make your life so much easier!


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