How to Enjoy your Holiday Season with a Baby


by Allison



New baby + holidays = A LOT. Right?! Over the years, clients have shared how “overwhelmed,” “overplanned,” and “exhausted” they are during this time of year. Family and social pressures are piled on thick, and you are still adjusting to life with your newborn. Here at Austin Baby Guru, we want you and your growing family to have a peaceful, manageable holiday season, and this article offers several ways for you to manage your holiday season with a baby.

Make a Plan

Before things get too busy and you start saying “yes” to bringing a casserole, traveling, or hosting a holiday party, check-in with yourself and your family. If you have a partner, figure out how you can get on the same page about expectations and plans. Consider how you want this holiday season to feel. Are there new traditions you want to make? Old traditions you want to keep? How much time do you want to spend with family? How much time do you want to reserve for being home with baby? Do you want visitors? And so on.

Once you and your immediate family have established a vision of the holidays and set some limits, it is helpful to communicate with other family members who may be (not-so) patiently waiting to hear about your plans. Help them understand your boundaries and wishes for the holiday season.

Remember: You Have a Choice

You are allowed to choose to attend or NOT attend parties or gatherings. This is a time in your parenting life when you have the perfect excuse for skipping out of family gatherings and/or travel. People– including you– may be disappointed by the boundaries you set, and that’s okay! If you know that quiet time at home is just want you and your family need this holiday season, remember that you have a choice. Your needs and baby’s needs are valid!

Prepare for Family Gatherings

If you do decide to attend a family gathering (or a few) this holiday season, prepare yourself and baby for the experience. No matter how far you are traveling– even if it’s across town– take time to pack; a well-stocked diaper bag is key! We suggest that you include a change of clothes for baby, a clean top for you, extra wipes and diapers, pacifiers (if needed), burp cloths, an extra bottle, portable sound machine, a few toys, and a swaddle for baby to lay on.

Perhaps your family lives out of town, and you will be driving long distances. In this case, plan for the trip to take longer than you think. For example, a 7 hour drive may become a 9-hour drive. It can be helpful to take a break every few hours when baby is away. Stopping to nurse and taking a brief walk can help everyone settle. Yes, the trip will take longer, but it may be less emotionally and physically taxing if you take plenty of breaks. While riding in the car, we also recommend a rotation of baby toys to help keep their little hands busy. 

If family is very far away, you might consider flying. Children under 2 fly free as “lap children” and the time and energy saved on travel may just be worth the cost. Check out our tips for flying with baby here.

Keeping Baby Safe and Healthy

When baby is likely to be passed around from person to person, it’s important for you to communicate your family policies to others. For example, you might tell the family that you have a “no kissing rule” and remind them to wash their hands before touching or holding baby. 

It can also be helpful to do your best to protect baby’s sleep. (Note: We are not talking about perfection.) One way of doing this is to keep baby on or close to their regular sleep schedule. Additionally, if possible, plan accommodations that allow baby to have a separate sleep space if this is what they have at home. Baby likes familiarity, so bring along items such as their bedtime book, favorite swaddle, and sound machine.

We also invite you to take breaks for a few minutes of peace and quiet. When things get loud or overstimulating, give yourself and baby a little space by stepping outside or into a spare bedroom. Family gatherings can involve a lot of input, so these little breaks can be a good way of resetting.

Austin Baby Guru supports you and your family in whatever decisions you make this holiday season! We wish you so much joy and as much rest as possible. Please reach out if you’re still feeling overwhelmed and could use some extra support in getting the rest you need.

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