8 Safety Tips For Pregnancy and Parenting This Holiday Season


by Allison



As we shift into the winter holiday season, there can be a lot going on; we get it! This blog is meant to serve as a reminder of some of our top safety tips for people who are pregnant and/or parenting. 

If you are pregnant, you are likely anticipating soooo much– not just the birth, but how life will be with baby. It can be overwhelming to imagine how you are going to keep a tiny, fragile, newborn safe. Honestly, so much of keeping baby safe is about slowing down, preparing the environment, and supervising/being present with baby. For folks who are already parenting, you’ve probably gotten into the swing of some routines. And of course, you’ve adjusted those routines as baby grows and changes (seemingly overnight).

That said, both winter and the holidays can bring up some additional safety considerations for pregnant and parenting folks. These are things to be mindful about, especially because the pace of the season can be quite fast.

8 Safety Tips For Pregnancy and Parenting This Holiday Season

    1. Protect your family’s health. This is the season of flu, RSV, COVID, and so on. Hold boundaries around family and friends, refraining from being around people who have any symptoms. Feel free to ask people to take rapid tests, mask, wash hands and use any other precaution that aligns with your needs and preferences. Check out our previous blog all about winter and baby’s health here.
    2. Practice car seat safety: No coats while in the car seat! Instead, tuck a blanket around baby outside of the harness. Please only use accessories that come with the car seat.
    3. Be aware of choking hazards. These are lots of tiny, appealing things that show up around the holiday season. Keep baby away from small decorations, toys, packaging, candies, and food.
    4. Maintain safe sleep practices. While traveling, your family’s sleep arrangements may be different than usual. Don’t put baby into a bed with an older infant or child. Stay vigilant about safe surface, even for naps. Additionally, don’t over-dress baby or use blankets for sleep. We recommend a footed pajama/onesie and a sleep sack. And, of course, be mindful and cautious of alcohol consumption and how this may impact your ability to interact with and feed your baby. 
    5. Keep the scents to a minimum. Whether they are natural or artificial, many scents can be harmful to babies and children. For example, essential oils such as cinnamon, peppermint, and eucalyptus are unsafe for babies and children under the age of seven, as they impact the respiratory system. Candles and other plug-ins can also overwhelm baby and/or cause difficulty breathing. 
    6. Work with your pediatrician. If you are pregnant, work on finding a pediatrician that fits the needs of your family. You may consider factors such as location, insurance, values, personality, and availability. Once baby is here, keep track of baby’s development, reach out if you have medical-related questions, and stay on top of regular appointments, particularly those that fall around the holidays, when it can feel easier to push things off.
    7. Layer up outside. Hats and gloves and coats are important layers for babies, but as we addressed in #2, coats should not be worn in the car seat. Additionally, babies should not sleep in hats or beanies.
    8. Moisturize baby’s skin. This may involve bathing less often, using humidifiers (also good for respiratory reasons), and using moisturizing products (especially on hands and cheeks). 

Learn More in Class

ABG’s infant safety class covers safe sleep and reducing the risk of SIDS, baby proofing, proper car seat usage, and CPR/how to deal with choking. While this is not a certification class, it’s a comprehensive introduction to safety with babies. It’s focused on all of the core safety issues families and caregivers with an infant should be aware of.

We value the classroom and group environment because you will also learn a lot from others’ questions and curiosities. Together, we can talk through a wide range of scenarios and how to modify your environment to make the space as safe as possible for baby.

ABG is Here for You

We are here to support you as you navigate the holidays with your growing family. Join us in class or reach out about in-home postpartum services! Finally, here’s our guide to peaceful holidays because you deserve it!


*Photo credit: lo lindo on Unsplash

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