Top 6 Items to Have for Baby


by Allison



Parents often ask what my go-to products are for the first year of life. In this article, you’ll find a number of products that Austin Baby Guru clients use and love. These items will support you and your baby in finding comfort in baby’s first months life because you don’t need ALLLLL the things. We are happy to help you prioritize. 

*This blog post contains affiliate links for products that we think highly of. If you click through and make a purchase, I may receive a commission (at no additional cost to you). ABG links to these products because of their quality and not because of the commission we receive from your purchases. The decision is yours, and whether or not you decide to buy something is completely up to you.

Our Top 6 Items to Have for Baby

1. White noise machine:

These machines make sounds that mask other, potentially disruptive noises, such as barking dogs, city traffic, and doorbells. Most white noise machines will have a variety of settings and sounds, from environmental (like waves or birds) to lullabies to rhythmic sounds. Our advice is to select a sound that is soothing to you, given that your baby won’t have a preference. Additionally, look for a machine that can stay on all night, rather than shutting off in 20 minutes or an hour’s time. Some of our favorite white noise machines include:

2. Baby bed:

Find a bed or bassinet that works for your home and space. This is a place where your baby can sleep–day or night– during their first 4-6 months. It can be helpful to find something more portable than a crib, especially if you want your newborn to sleep in the same room as you but in a separate sleeping space. (The AAP recommends that baby shares a room with parents for the first year) A few beds our clients love include:

3. Swaddles:

Parents and baby will love a cozy swaddle! Swaddling your baby helps them feel calm, secure, and safe. All of these factors will also contribute to quality sleep– for baby and parents. During the “fourth trimester,” the first 3 months of a baby’s life, swaddles help baby transition to life outside the womb. When they are swaddled, they experience less neurological stimulation, which contributes to a sense of comfort and calm. Check out a few of our favorites:

4. Bottles:

You will very quickly find that there are. So. Many. Bottles! You will likely have to do some testing once your baby arrives, so it can be helpful to start with just one of a few types. Most of the bottles we recommend (below) are designed to mimic the texture, shape, and flow of the breastfeeding experience. Keep reading for tools to help you sterilize your baby’s bottles. 

5. Pacifiers:

Many babies have an innate natural sucking reflex, and sometimes they’ve even learned to suck their hand or thumb while in the womb. Sucking is a self-soothing technique. Thus, pacifiers are one tool you might consider offering your baby when they are fussy or uncomfortable. Much like bottles, you may have to try a few options before you find one that baby loves; you’ll know when baby finds one they love. Our current favorite is the nanobébé Flexy Baby Pacifier. Many lactation consultants like and recommend MAM.

6. Cleaning tools:

Washing the seemingly delicate and intricate parts of bottles and pacifiers can become exhausting. The proper cleaning tools, though, will help make this job more efficient, and ensure that you are sanitizing the hard to reach places that can be prone to bacterial growth. These are some of our favorite tools:

This list is a starting point for your growing family. You may find yourself in overwhelm as you search Amazon or stand in the aisles of Target because there are so many options, and it is our hope that you have some new ideas to help you through the research and decision process. Know that you may have to return some items, start from scratch, or let some plans go. These are all normal parts of meeting baby and learning about their needs and preferences, as well as your own new needs and preferences. We have a more detailed document that we share with clients, so please reach out if you’d like additional support in preparing for baby.

We are Here for You

As you go through the process of preparing for and welcoming baby, know that you don’t have to struggle without support. Postpartum doula support (virtual or in-home) can help you problem-solve the little hitches that begin to feel like big issues. ABG is here for your growing family.

*This is an updated post that we originally published in 2019. We edited to include additional items and more specific suggestions.

Photo credit: Canva

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